01 — Media Artist and Speaker

Hi, I'm Tobias, also tbx.

I am a media artist from Germany. I love exploring the digital space beyond predefined paths – "Skate the web!".

A common goal of my work is to advocate for users' rights and freedoms. My work often revolves around topics such as culture, design, censorship and power dynamics on digital platforms.

My work, including collaborations with the Free Art & Technology Lab, has gained international recognition, with media outlets such as Arte, ZDF, Bild, and The New York Times reporting on it.

In the art world, my projects have been exhibited at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris, Gray Area in San Francisco, ZKM Karlsruhe, Transmediale in Berlin and more.

02 — Portfolio

The Giant Potato Monster A.I. Book

Co-created possibly the first A.I. generated book with Bre Pettis, 2022

AireGAN - Worlds' First A.I. Sneakers

Co-created worlds' first machine learning designed sneakers, More: aire-gan.com, 2021

Facebook Identity Bureau

Offered Facebook ID cards in Berlin to raise awareness on personal data topics, 2012

"Jetzt kommt der Facebook-Perso - Bild"

The Skatekeyboard

Skaters use public spaces in unforseen ways. The Skatekeyboard serves as a symbol for online hacktivism, 2010

Marilyn.gif - Recreation of a lost Warhol

The "marilyn.gif", is an attempt to recreate a "lost" 1985 amiga drawing by Andy Warhol, 2022 - 2025

Webmarker - Mark the web

Mark the web and anyone may see it! A browser add-on to draw on any webpage, 2010

Fake Google Self-Driving Car

For our art show "F.A.T. Gold", we caused furor in Manhattan, NYC with a fake Google self-driving car, 2013

Artzilla Browser Hacks

Artzilla was a platform dedicated to the development of experimental browser software, 2009 - 2011

China Channel

A tool to browse and discover the web from within mainland China, 2008

Kanye Vision

A browser-bookmarklet to browse the web like Kanye West with added shutter glasses. Photo: Gallery Installation, 2009

Artzilla Silkprints

25 silkprints with the logo of Artzilla, a platform for browser hacking, tagged by graffiti writers, 2009

The Timemachine

Tired of the Web 2.0 Design? This tool warps you back to the web of 1996, 2007

Pirates of the Amazon

A tool to download digital goods for free via amazon.com, questioning digital distribution models, 2008

Fake Google Street View Car

We (F.A.T. Lab) built a fake Google Street View Car and had fun with it in Berlin, 2010

A.I. Based - The Sticker

A sticker to simply increase sales by adding "A.I. based" to any product packaging, 2018

03 — Talks and Interviews

A talk I gave in Amsterdam at the conference "Unlike Us" with the title "The future of identity in an online world", 2013

A portrait by the German TV Channl RBB about my Facebook hacking workshop at Transmediale Berlin, 2013

A report and interview by "ZDF info" about our art show "F.A.T. Gold" in NYC, 2013

A portrait by ARTE TV about my work "Social ID Bureau", 2012

Let's get in touch via email or on x.com/tbx!